GNS Cleanse Kit For Pitta Dosha
$14549 USD
Ayurvedic science recommends seasonal cleanses in spring and fall to detox, rejuvenate, and optimize body, soul, and mind. The Pitta cleanse kit is designed to simplify a safe and successful cleanse.
- Golden Ghee
- Triphala capsules
- Hingwastik capsules
- Erand Haritaki capsules
- Herbal Tea 1 lbs
- Pitta Khichari
- 5 oil pulling 4 oz
- Anu Nasya Oil 1 oz
- Pitta Oil 8 oz
- steel tongue cleaner
Cleanse routine instructions:
Wake up, and after brushing your teeth, use your tongue scraper. Scrape from
the back to the front tip of your tongue. Make several strokes until you have no more mucus coating
on your tongue. This may be anywhere from 8-10 times.
- (a). Oil oral pulling: Please note that traditional protocol suggests 15-20 minutes for this practice. This is the classical length of time. I am certain that this will be quite challenging for most of you, so PLEASE lessen your expectations and aim for 2-3 minutes. Even that will be a task. Try one or two days at this level of time. Then, perhaps you can increase the time the next day and see how long you can manage over a period of time. The idea is that over time, you can increase the length of oil pulling. For convenience purposes, you may also pull your oil while showering. This way, if you need to spit out the oil, you are doing everything correctly. Oil pulling in the shower also utilizes your time more efficiently, so you’re not just standing in front of a mirror, swishing oil. Oil pulling can (and should) be done daily. Make sure you use a small amount, as many people are overzealous and take a mouthful. Swish the oil throughout your mouth and over your gums and teeth. VERY IMPORTANTLY, make sure you don’t swallow the used oil afterward. You must spit this out as the point of oil pulling is to extract toxins and bacteria and not re-absorb them into the body by swallowing them.
- Use the Pitta oil. Take a few tablespoons of oil and warm them; then apply the oil over your whole body. Do approximately ten long strokes per limb, and apply the oil to your abdomen, neck, and chest. If you are pressed for time, make sure to at least apply the oil to your feet, hands, and ears, and then put 3-5 drops on the crown of your head and massage them in. This process works best if you can leave the oil on for at least 15 minutes and then rinse it off in the shower. If it is not possible to perform this routine due to your morning schedule, at least apply oil at some point during the day.
- Take 2 Triphala capsules in the morning (before eating) and two capsules at bedtime.
- Hingwastik: Take two before lunch and two before dinner.
- Breakfast can be fruit alone. Don't mix fruits; only eat one type at a time. If you are
still hungry, wait 30 minutes and then eat khichari. Your lunch and dinner will also be khichari- as the cleanse is intended to be a mono-diet, this is your staple food. - To make khichari: take 1tbsp of ghee (you may substitute oil for the ghee if you do not eat dairy or are lactose intolerant or vegan), melt in your pot, and then add 1 cup of the khichari(half a bag) as well. Sauté until coated and then add water; bring the mixture to boil and then reduce to a simmer and cover the pot for approximately 15 minutes. At this point, add vegetables that can cook for a long time. A bit later, you can add leafy greens and cilantro. If you add lots of veggies, the overall volume will be greater, and the amounts should be plentiful. Try eating this way for the first three days and if you are still too hungry, make more khichari and eat more portions. More khichari bags can be bought if needed. It is ideal to have 3 meals per day without any snacks, but if you feel hungry, you can have a portion of khichari or some fruit or cooked vegetables outside of those three meals. Should you need a snack, have an additional serving of fruit or cooked vegetables, but remember that fruits should be eaten alone for 30 minutes without other foods, and vegetables should always cooked. The preferable cooking method is steaming or lightly sautéing with a small amount of ghee.
- You can have 2-3 cups of our herbal tea anytime during the day. I can happily suggest chamomile tea and Tulsi tea (holy basil), which is simple and a great immune enhancer.
- During your last three nights of cleansing, you will take ghee (or a substitute) and dissolve it in warm water and drink. The proportions are one teaspoon during the first night, 1 and ½ teaspoons during the second night, and two teaspoons during the third night.
- Drinks: Ideally, you should drink water that is at least room temperature but can be warmer. You should drink water throughout the day, and if you drink water during meals, take small sips. The recommended procedure is that you drink a cup 30 minutes before your meal and then wait about the same time afterward to drink another cup.
- After the last day of cleansing, wake up early and take the Erand. Mix it with ½ cup of orange juice. If you have stubborn bowels, please take three tablespoons of Erand. If you have had smooth bowel movements, then 2 Tablespoons will be enough. Please DO NOT eat breakfast till you have had a bowel movement or for at least 3 hours after taking the Erand.
- It is advised that you take some time for self-reflection and introspection during a cleansing. This is not only a physical detox but also a mindful and spiritual awakening. Try to take more time during these seven days to relax and not be overly demanding. You will reap the optimal results if you take things down a notch from your business and be at peace. If nausea occurs, have a fresh piece of ginger or pressed ginger juice with warm water and a pinch of rock salt. You may see some changes in bowel movements or stomach/GI activities. This is normal due to your intake of herbs and changes in eating.
Please contact us if you have any concerns. Our phone number is 775-826-6004.
Wishing you a great
cleanse and a rejuvenating experience!!
May you all have health in abundance.
Best wishes,
Garry N Sun.