Shatavari Organic Powder (Asparagus Racemosus)
Shatavari Powder is a high-quality powder made from the natural Ayurvedic herb known as Shatavari, also called the "Queen of Herbs". It promotes adrenal, reproductive, and digestive health. Shatavari is particularly beneficial for women of all ages, as it helps rejuvenate female reproductive organs. It is especially useful during PMS, menstruation, and menopause.
- Shatavari herb can promote healthy tissues and cell rejuvenation.
- It may support eye health, skin nourishment, and overall gut immunity.
- Shatavari can help support healthy reproductive functions, liver health, and mental health.
- Shatavari Powder helps maintain overall health.
- Shatavari supports maintaining the proper functioning of the female reproductive system.
Shatavari has a cooling effect on the body as it aids in balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Take one teaspoon twice daily with room temperature water or as your healthcare practitioner directs.
- Children and Individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before taking this Shatavari Powder.
- Avoid using Shatavari Powder if you are Pregnant and/or Breast Feeding.
- Shatavari Powder may cause pulmonary or skin allergies in some people. Consult a doctor before consuming Shatavari Powder.
- Shatavari must be avoided by people with edema (swelling) due to kidney disorders or improper heart functioning.
- Avoid self-prescribing or overdosing on Shatavari Powder because it could result in digestive issues.
Recommendations, suggestions, or information shared on this website are only for the purposes of knowledge. At no time the above-shared information supersede the advice of your general health care practitioner or doctor. Always take the advice of your doctor before you start taking any herbs. It’s also wise to check the labels of your prescription drugs and see if any suggested herbs are not contraindicated to your prescription.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Does not contain yeast, wheat, eggs, gluten, soy, gelatin, peanuts, shellfish, dairy, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, artificial flavors, agave, artificial preservatives, and salicylates.