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Tulsi – A Sacred Herb with Countless Health Benefits - GARRY N SUN

Tulsi – A Sacred Herb with Countless Health Benefits

Botanical Name: Ocimum sanctum

Family: Lamiaceae

Common Names: Sacred basil / Holy basil

Sanskrti name: Surasa

Part Used: Leaves, Roots, Seeds

Location/Cultivation and types

Holy basil is found throughout the lowlands of India and in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, southern China, Thailand, and Malaysia. There are three types of Tulsi plants available Rama tulsi (Bears small green leaves), Krishna tulsi (Bears dark green to Purple leaves and has a strong taste and smell), and Vanatulsi (Bears large green leaves and is the wild variety growing in forests).

Chemical constituents or active compounds of Tulsi

Tulsi contains chemical compounds such as eugenol, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, chlorophyll, caryophyllene, oleanolic acid, and linolenic acid. Nutritional compounds in tulsi include vitamins A, C, calcium, iron, and zinc.

Properties of Tulsi

Adaptogen, antibacterial, antidepressant, antioxidant, antiviral, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue (promotes the flow of mother’s milk), and immune modulator.

Health Benefits of Tulsi Plant

It can be used at home for several ailments and does not require any doctor’s prescription. Tulsi is used for Fever, Headaches, Insect bites, Labor pains, Nausea and vomiting, Skin problems, Respiratory infections, Sore throat, Stress, Respiratory disorders, and Teeth disorders.

How to Take Tulsi

Tulsi fresh leaves, leaves powder, fresh leaves decoction, and infusion can be used. Various supplements that contain tulsi extracts are being manufactured and marketed by many pharmaceutical companies. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn) is a sacred medicinal herb worshipped in India. Krishna tulsi has more medicinal value compared to Rama tulsi. Tulsi leaves have hypocholesterolemic (lowering cholesterol), hypotriglyceridemic (lowering triglycerides), hepatoprotective (protecting liver), anti-inflammatory (preventing inflammation), and antioxidant effects. Its antibacterial properties help to fight the bacteria and purify the surrounding air. Based on proven studies, tulsi can absorb the positive ions; it even stimulates the negative ions. Tulsi, from its root to leaves, encompassed multiple healthy perks. The whole plant acts as a soothing agent or demulcent, lessens fever and expectorant. Tulsi contains vitamins C, A, and essential oils, all antioxidants that scavenge free radicals in the body, improving cellular integrity, blood flow, and genetic expression. It is perfect for cardiovascular health and brain function, as it helps protect against heart disease and brain degeneration.

Tulsi is rich in aromatic essential oils that potently affect the body. These phytonutrient-rich oils have a great smell that naturally boosts mood and spirit. Eugenol has been shown in studies to combat stress and enhance mental clarity.

Tulsi modulates stress and blood sugar levels by stabilising cortisol and insulin. A study in the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry indicated that holy basil may reverse some of the damaging effects of neuropathy and retinopathy.

Get more information or shop for  tulsi capsules at Garrysun.com

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